Episode 17 : Dapper Laughs, Fake Sheik, Julia Davis at Breakfast
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Olly Mann presents media industry analysis and gossip with City University journalism lecturer Lis Howell and director of the Edinburgh TV Festival, Lisa Campbell.

On the show this week: The lads’ lad Dapper Laughs lands himself in trouble - but was he just a victim of trial by Twitter?
The investigative journalist known as the Fake Sheik is unveiled by Panorama - but as politicians debate charter renewal once more, what future for the world’s longest-running current affairs show inside a privatised BBC?
Three big beasts of the local newspaper industry combine forces to sell advertising - could this be the saviour of local journalism?
Plus news of a new sitcom from Julia Davis and, in the Media Podcast quiz, what’s happened to the Sony Awards?
A PPM Production, produced by Peter Price.
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